Thursday 6 November 2014

In India - 4000 Rats Killed In Government Hospital

Exterminators at a public hospital in India have killed over 4000 rats within the space of two days.

The 950-bed hospital, Maharaja Yeshwantrao, housed 14,000 rats before the Laxmi Fumigation and Pest Control Service was able to eliminate some of them.

According to the company’s CEO, Sanjay Karmakar:
“We have only tackled a part of the grounds so far they are riddled with rodent burrows, at least 1,000 of them.”
“Each would have four to eight rodents, we have not started on the buildings yet, the pest control firm is baiting the rodents with different food each day.”
“One day, it is peanuts and clarified butter, another day its roasted chickpeas, potato cakes and so on.”
“If one of a family dies after eating something, the other rats will not touch the same food, so we have to keep changing the menu.”
The hospital, which is in the Indore area of Southern Delhi, is said to still be home to over 10,000 rats.
Officials reportedly said that the rat invasion was brought about by poor refuse disposal in the hospital.
kudos: pulseng

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