Saturday 29 November 2014

Kaduna Guber: Southern Kaduna Adopts Sen. Aziz As PDP Sole Candidate

Ahead of the governorship primaries of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), a coalition of Southern Kaduna groups, comprising traditional rulers, religious bodies, elders and youth groups, have agreed to present a consensus candidate for the gubernatorial primaries of Kaduna State coming up on the 8th of December.
Attendees of the meeting, including the four aspirants from Southern Kaduna, all agreed to support Senator Haruna Zego Aziz as the sole PDP gubernatorial aspirant from Southern Kaduna to go into the primaries with incumbent governor, Mukhtar Ramalan Yero.
A communiqué signed by Southern Kaduna Christian Leaders Council, Northern Christian Elders Forum (SOKAPU), Southern Kaduna Indigenes Progressive Forum, Southern Kaduna Peace Initiatives, Gurara Forum and various other southern Kaduna youth groups, NGOs and major stakeholders, called on PDP card-carrying delegates to put aside all other considerations, including personal interests, for the common good of all.
They said the decision was deliberately taken in order to brighten the chances of whoever emerges, reduce the bickering associated with politicking and also help contenders cut down on their spending.
“While it is not easy for the other contenders who have agreed to step aside, the onus of collective purpose and communal welfare must be seen to take precedence in order to have one candidate to contest with the incumbent at the PDP primaries scheduled for 8th December 2014.
“With this heart-lifting and very promising development, a new southern Kaduna is being born. The depth of our disunity is in the process of being jettisoned for a common purpose. We can now see light at the end of the tunnel.
“Consequently, we are appealing to all to support the candidature of Senator Zego Aziz at the primaries to achieve our objective of him becoming the PDP flag bearer in the coming elections of February 2015”.

source: informationng

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