Sunday 22 March 2015

Before Starting Online Relationship...

There is a particular level of excitement when it comes to online relationships; a feeling which if an individual is not careful, may lead to doom, considering the increasing rate of internet scams which people of all ages fall for easily.

Dating used to be restricted to physical meetings, until the World Wide Web gained popularity. Courtship, via the web, which became popular during the launch of online messengers, has moved from the point of strictly flirting, with a few ending in happy marriages. As an anonymous quote puts it, “It’s always exciting meeting someone new, regardless of the outcome.” Many online affairs sometimes take many months before the actual meeting and it is thus necessary to keep a few things in mind, during online courtship.
Take a background check
Take the time and effort to really find out as much information as you can, before you divulge anything remotely personal, including a mobile number. With one or two Smartphone software applications, it becomes easier to identify a person, just by the phone number.
Also, ensure a photo search, although some scammers have found a way around this, to ensure that the photograph of the person matches whom he/she claim to be.
Check up on events
Constantly check the sites they visit, especially those frequented, their job changes, posts, friends, acquaintances. This helps you to form a slight opinion about the kind of person he/she is.
Have a different email for communication
It is important to have more than one email address and one, especially, dedicated strictly to communication with the online partner. This email address shouldn’t carry personal details in full to ensure a certain level of privacy. This also helps to restrict access to your private details, until you are absolutely sure it’s not a scam.
If the affair also involves speaking through Skype or other social media platforms, create a totally different account for that too. Considering the tendency to get embroiled in falsehood, especially, as it is not physical, it is important to stay in control and not get carried away.
Invest inexpensively
Cut down on investing till you are absolutely sure. Whatever the situation that may arise, unless someone close can confirm the identity of the other person, it is important not to send expensive gifts, or cash, to the partner, to avoid falling for a scam. One shouldn’t also ask for financial assistance or gifts during an online affair. If the individual is willing to send gift(s), let it be booked through an online store, and delivered at a public place. For safety, offer to pick up from the online merchant’s official premises, at a time not necessarily known to the sender.
Divulge only relevant information
Relevant information, in this sense, refers to the basics, not anything deep, no matter how many weeks the relationship has lasted for. It isn’t uncommon to get carried away and start exchanging intimate messages, details and even pictures. If there isn’t any sure way to confirm the identity of the other person, stick to revealing only the basics, not even scheduled events, or home and office addresses.
Take precaution before meeting
The time will come when the couple wants to meet. Before meeting your online partner, take all the necessary security precautions, such as agreeing to a very open environment, involving close friends, family members and, if possible, security operatives. This helps to reduce the risk of falling prey to drug peddlers and sexual predators.

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