Tuesday 6 January 2015

12 Sexolutions To Take Into 2015

The beginning of a New Year gives many the opportunity to make resolutions, relive the past year, try new things and hope for a better year.
On Sexville Tuesday today, we take a dive into some Sexolutions you should make this year to spice up your relationships and marriages. This New Year is a great time to revamp your sex life and we suggest a few things you can try out all through the year.
Here we go!

Accept sex can't be perfect
One mistake many couples make is thinking that sex should be perfect at all time but according to great sex therapists, you should give room for bad sex every now and then but that does not mean that you should close your eyes when it is a constant occurence.
Promise yourself this hear that you will not allow bad sex affect your desire and hunger for it with your spouse. Don't fall for the myth that your friends are having fantastic sex all the time. Just be real and set realistic expectations about what you'd like to achieve and change.
Understand and enjoy the differences between you and your partner and if you like different things, encourage each other to try it out.
Deal with your sexual past
Don't expect your spouse to understand what you must have been through with your past sex life. Deal with it and promise yourself that it would not interfere with your current situation. If you had a traumatic sex life at one point in your life, it is not in your best interest to inflict the pains on your spouse or let the hang-ups you experienced to endanger a satisfying sex life with your spouse.
Touch, touch, touch
If you want to have a mind-blowing and fulfilled sex life this year, learn to touch your spouse constantly. Touch him or her both sexually and affectionately, and make sure you both know the difference. If you're never sure whether that kiss or cuddle is an expression of love or initiation of sex, you're going to end up mightily confused.
There is no such thing as an ideal relationship
Bear this in mind that no relationship is ideal and yours would never be. Promise yourself that everyone makes compromises. You have to make a conscious effort to make compromises for your partner, try and buy into their fantasies instead of being a stuck up one dimensional person.
Be brave and adventurous
This new year, make one of your Sexolution key points being brave and advetourous. It would not hurt you any to play out some out of this world fantasy. On the other hand, do not crank up your nose if your partner suggests doing something kinky. Some, women especially, do feel that trying out some sex styles would make their men look at them as loose or prostitutes but far from it, most men would always love a woman who would try out some things once in a while.
Have sex often
Do not fall into the temptation that having had kids or having lived together for years, sex is secondary in a marriage. Far from it; we have talked about the importance of regular sex on the health severally in the past and we cannot overemphasise on this. Having more sex should be part of your Sexolution this year, even when you are not in the mood, because this will keep your libido purring and your partner happy. It's been proven time and time again: the more often a couple have sex, the more often they want it.
Iron out your sex problems
This is another key that you should hold on to firmly as you start the year. Talk about your sex problems with your spouse and do not be shy to admit where you need help. Look the best you can so your partner loves the outside of you as much as they do the inside.
Dress for sex
This is a New Year and you must make an effort to discard some of your old dressing habit. Let the dirty wrapper or tight jeans you normally wear to bed go and instead, get for yourself some nice lingeries and sexy panties for snuggling into bed.
Make dates for sex
Another Sexolution you should make and keep staunchly is actually making dates for sex with your spouse. Make dates for sex rather than wait for it to happen. That way, you both have something to look forward to! If you're the low sex drive person, it will give you time to get in the mood. Do whatever it takes to anticipate it as this is another surefire way of keeping the fire burning.
Initiate sex often
This is more for the women who think it is only the duty of the man initiate sex. That is totally wrong. This year, promise yourself to instigate sex more often to make yourself feel powerful and sexy and let your partner know you enjoy it as much as they do.
Talk about it
Promise to talk about and solve sex problems as they happen, rather than let niggly little things turn into big bedroom monsters. But choose your battles wisely and focus on all that's good in your sex life, as well as what needs fixing.
Mix things up
Mix it up every single time. Change one of the elements for each session you have: the time of day you do it, what room you do it in, what you're wearing, what position you choose, who initiates, what the focus of the session is.


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