Friday 1 May 2015

Lauryn Hill Cancels Trip To Lagos For Her Show

There’ll be a lot of bummed out fans, as Lauryn Hill has cancelled her trip to Lagos for her scheduled show tonight. 

The May Day Live concert was scheduled to feature the Grammy award winner but due had to be cancelled after Lauryn Hill had “flight issues.” According to the singer, things were not properly put in place by the promoters, but promised to try and reschedule her appearance. 

Here’s the statement after the cut

The promoters have decided to postpone the show, and put out the following message to fans and those who purchased tickets: 
Due to Ms Lauryn Hill’s flight issues, the organizers of May Day Live and Ms Lauryn Hill management have concluded to postpone the show. A new date will be communicated soon. All Tickets bought will be used for the new concert date. Meanwhile a party will still hold today at Eko Hotel starting from 7pm, feel free to come and party as no tickets are required. The organizers of May Day Live apologize for any inconvenience. 

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