Sunday 22 March 2015

This "Keke Napep" Rider Is Not Letting Her Heavy Pregnancy Stop Her

The only transport operators that can match the notoriety ofDanfo drivers in Lagos are the keke riders. They are willing to reach their destinations, by any means necessary. Whether they have to climb culverts, take one-ways, they'll do it.

But a woman has decided she can fit in the business. Not only is she determined, she is also heavily pregnant. She is Mrs Olayinka Adeyemo. Storried met with her:

Please madam, how did you get into this keke (tricycle) business?
“My brother, I’m a graduate, but rather than stay idle coupled with the responsibility of taking care of my young family, a friend of mine encouraged me to take-up this business. First, I got this tricycle through a hire-purchase arrangement from this friend, but now it’s mine because I’m done with paying up the cost of the tricycle.”
How does it feel operating in a man’s world?
I don’t feel any different. I’m working and the men are working too. The difference is that I get more considerations from bus-stop touts who milk us of our earnings because I’m a woman, and when they see my protruding tummy, they just let me be.
And your condition?
“I’m only pregnant. I’m not sick. Yes, I’m often tired, but this work is all I have to contribute to my family economy and meet my personal needs”.
And your husband? “He‘s been very supportive and my children and family members know this is what I do for a living and they respect me for that”.
Are making a lot of money? “I wouldn’t say a lot of money, but it’s better than staying idle, and waiting for my husband to do everything for me.”

Perhaps, the day you meet her, she might be smiling to a customer, with a baby strapped to her back.

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