Sunday 31 May 2015

Read What Osinbajo Formal Church Member Have To Say About Vice President

The associates of Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo, and members of the Olive Tree House Parish of the Redeemed Christian Church Of God, Banana Island, Lagos, where Osinbajo served as a senior pastor, tell ARUKAINO UMUKORO and GBENGA ADENIJI what they know about him
‘He is a no-nonsense man’
What is your name and position in the church?
I am Tope Jegede; the administrator of the church.
How long have you known the vice-president?
I have been working as the church administrator for five years. I got close to pastor-prof (the way the church members address Osinbajo) about five years ago but I have known him for 10 years.
What can you say about his person?
He is a man of service. As a pastor in our parish, he is highly respected. His major calling into the ministry is to touch the hopeless and the vulnerable. I am not surprised that he got the opportunity to serve the nation because he has always carved a niche himself anywhere he finds himself. In Olive Tree, before his involvement in the elections, he had created 10 programmes designed to touch lives. Some of them include feeding the poor through a programme tagged ‘soup kitchen.’ He started it in the church without nursing any political ambition. Through the programme, we provide food for people that would have gone hungry. Another one is Mercy Cross, which provides medical insurance for children between ages 0 and 3. There is also a programme he termed ‘Just Justice’ through which he provides legal representation for the less-privileged for free. He started the programmes under an umbrella scheme known as ‘Whom Shall I Send?’
He carries the bearing of a no-nonsense man. Does that describe him?
Yes, he is a no-nonsense person. But he is also a very compassionate person. He gives people a very long rope to pull themselves together. He does not suspect people; he gives people equal opportunities to prove themselves. But once an individual proves otherwise, as a man of integrity, he will not tolerate that. There was a time some people confronted him and said he would fail in the parish. Till today, he shows them unconditional love. He neither bears grudges nor victimises anyone. Rather, he will do all he can to help anyone in need. I can dare say that since I have known him, I have never seen him get angry publicly. He is always calm. I am not saying he is perfect but he has allowed Christ to rub off on him
Was his ambition announced in the church before the elections?
One thing he never did was to use the platform of the church for his political ambition. It took him a while before he could address the situation. The first time he mentioned anything about it was when he was elected as the vice-president. And he told us that he did it deliberately so that nobody would accuse him of using the church platform for politics.
How did his absence during the elections affect the church?
He is a very organised person. He does not use his position for anything apart from service. When he was in the church, he gave many people opportunities to work. We did not miss him much because he would come in on Sunday to minister and after the service, return to the campaign ground. We are missing him already but we are convinced that he is an oak seed that we have sown into Nigeria as a church.
Considering the fact that he has the gift of oration, what is a typical Sunday service like when he preaches?
He always has a theme message. If he was talking about any issue in life, he would always pin it down to the grace of God. In fact, if one reads under his sent emails, one will find, ‘Saved by grace alone.’ The first time he told me about his election, there were six of us there. He said it was as if God was trying to tell him to do what he had always been championing in terms of making people’s lives better.
Does he crack jokes?
Yes, he has a very good sense of humour. He laughs with his heart, but one has to be intelligent to make him laugh.
How was the church service like after Buhari won the presidential election?
It was like a carnival. Prof. attended the vigil last Friday. But on that Sunday, we had an overflow. He was in church the Sunday after the election and the one after. Interestingly, he did not address the church. In fact, it was the guest minister that joking addressed him as ‘His Excellency’ and we all clapped and laughed.
‘He is humble
Briefly introduce yourself.
I am Dr. Daniel Ismaila (OON), a former Director of Finance and Administration, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency.
How long have you known Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo?
I have known him for about five years now. He was my instructor at the Bible College where he taught me ‘Transformational Leadership.’ He was also the pastor of the Olive Tree Parish, the church I attended at the time. Besides teaching me in the class, we have had personal contacts several times and we have discussed very sensitive issues concerning this country. I was a director in NDLEA for 15 years. We had met several times in economic and financial crimes seminar which was organised by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission before 2011. One of the reasons why I started attending the Olive Tree Parish was because of the way he was managing the church.
How would you describe him?
He is not just a very good lawyer; he is also a very good pastor. He is passionate about this country. We believe that God would use him to play a key role in the government of the country. On February 16 last year, President Goodluck Jonathan and Pastor Adeboye came to Olive Tree service. During that service, Adeboye told Jonathan that Prof. Osinbajo is one of his sons who, ‘if you give an assignment, you can go to sleep.’ I have a video recording of that service. I had thought then that it was a message to Jonathan to see how he could utilise Prof Osinbajo in his government to turn around situations. I have always seen him as such, but I did not know that God was going to take him closer to the centre of power.
Beyond Osinbajo’s leadership qualities, what can you say about his personality?
He is not one to talk too much. For me, he is a symbol of humility. I am very proud to be associated with him.‘He taught me to cater for my family’
Briefly introduce yourself.
I am Emmanuel Bassey; the church’s maintenance officer.
How long have you been in the church?
I have worked in the church for eight years and I have known pastor-prof for about four years. I know him as a man who keeps to his word. He has touched the lives of many people including that of my family. Personally, he taught me things I did not know before. If I had known all these things before now, I would have been better off.
What are things he taught you?
He taught me things like taking good care of my family, especially my children. I used to see him regularly four months ago, but for two months now, I have not seen him because of his new position.
What was the last conversation you had with him?
He called me on the phone some months ago and asked where I was. He always asks where one is whenever he calls one on the phone before saying what he needs. I told him I was downstairs while he was upstairs. I ran up quickly to meet him. He then jokingly told me that my strides showed that I was still very fit. We both laughed over it. That was the last time I spoke with him. He cracks jokes with me. His wife is also another person I respect a lot. She does not say much, but when she speaks, people listen. There was a time I had a personal problem and I told her. Despite her schedule, she told me not to worry. In no time, I started seeing the result of her efforts. I respect her and her husband a lot. Nigerians should expect good governance. I know that with him, Nigeria is safe.
What are you going to miss about him now that he will be mostly in Abuja?
I will miss his sermons. I will miss his inspiration including his wife’s good nature. I am inspired each time I see them. If I have the opportunity to see him today, I am going to tell him that, “Pastor, it is well with you.”
‘He practises what he preaches’
Briefly introduce yourself.
I am Pastor Ben Ewuzie, Rector, the Redeemer’s International Leadership Academy, Ikoyi, Lagos.
How long have you known the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo?
I have known Prof. Osinbajo for about 20 years now. We met as students in the Bible College. We were in the same Bible class. Thereafter, he was posted to start a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. I head the leadership school of the RCCG. He comes to lecture in the Bible school. We have kept our relationship as friends and associates. We have had an unbroken friendship for 20 years. While he was an Attorney General, I wanted him to come and lecture in our academy. I thought he would be quite busy, but when I went to him, he said, “Pastor, you know I must do the work of God, office or no office. That should not deter me from serving God.” He came and delivered his lecture. That is the kind of person he is. He practises what he preaches and teaches.
Do you think the position of the Vice-Presidency would change him?
I don’t think so. This is not the first time he would be in the corridors of power. He was the Attorney General/Commissioner for Justice for eight years in Lagos State. Throughout the duration of his service, he remained the same person and came out with his integrity intact. Also, he has served in the United Nations, and as Special Adviser to the Chief Justice of the Federation. So, he already wields some influence at various circles. This is not the first time he has been exposed to high office. He has done it over the years and has remained the same person, simple and easy to approach, with a listening ear, and humble. So, I don’t see him changing now. He cherishes his integrity.
He teaches visionary and transformational leadership in our leadership school. He has had the opportunity to put that into practice at various times in his life, translating his classroom teachings to the field, through the various projects he initiated.

Buhari Appoints Adesina, Shehu As Spokesmen

Femi Adesina                          Mal. Garba Shehu
President Muhammadu Buhari has announced the first set of appointments into his administration. The President on Sunday evening, named Mr Femi Adesina and Mal. Garba Shehu as his spokesmen. Femi Adesina will serve as Special Adviser (Media and Publicity) while Garba Shehu will be the new Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity).
According to Vanguard;
The President has also approved the appointment of Mal. Lawal Abdullahi Kazaure as the State Chief of Protocol (SCOP).
Mr Adesina is the current President of the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) and serves as the Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief of The Sun newspapers.
Garba Shehu served as the Director, Media and Publicity of the APC Presidential Campaign Council. He was the President of the Nigerian Guild of Editors sixteen years ago.
Abdullahi Kazaure is a career Foreign Service official and currently serves in Aso Rock Villa as a Special Assistant (Presidential Matters). 

Alamieyeseigha - Formal First Lady, Patience Never Supported Her Husband To Play Politics

The first civilian Governor of Bayelsa State, Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, has disclosed that the immediate past First Lady, Patience Jonathan, never wanted her husband, Goodluck Jonathan in politics.
He recalled Patience initially stood against the ex-president ambition as a deputy governorship candidate in 1998, ahead of the elections in 1999.
Alamieyeseigha at a banquet organised by the Bayelsa State Government, as part of programmes for a civic reception in honour of the former President at the Banquet Hall of Government House, Yenagoa, said Mrs Jonathan was satisfied with her husband’s progress at the defunct Oil Minerals Producing Areas Development Commission (OMPADEC), where he was an Assistant Director.

Jonathan was Alamieyeseigha’s deputy from 1999 to 2005, when he took over as governor after his boss was impeached over money laundering charges.
Alamieyeseigha told the audience that Mrs. Jonathan resisted the proposal which he and the current chairman, Governing Board of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Gordon Bozimo, had taken to him at their home in Port Harcourt.
The former governor said Jonathan visited him in his Port Harcourt residence a few days later and announced his decision not to accept the offer.
“Patience was not happy that Jonathan was chosen to be my deputy governor. She said she would not like him to go into politics. She said they were comfortable the way they were,” Alamieyeseigha added.
He said Jonathan was a complex character who “does not talk. He can keep something in mind for 10 years and will not talk and he will be playing with you.”
Alamieyeseigha however stressed that the former President did well in good governance in Nigeria and that he achieved a lot in different sectors of the economy.
“He rendered momentous service to the nation. His exploits and achievements are good enough for the young people to learn.
“If he can rise to that peak (of being President of Nigeria), then there are many Jonathans in this hall. His humble background and dint of hard work had taken him there.”
Patience Jonathan was not seen at the banquet.
It was gathered that she failed to attend over the alleged political differences between her and Governor Seriake Dickson.

Is This Truelly Patience Jonathan's Real Estate In Abuja?


Someone shared this video on facebook. I remember when I visited this estate in Abuja sometime last year to negotiate for one of the apartment, there are two types of 5-bedroom duplexes, the one along the road is N250 million while the one inside goes for  N200 million. I was told the estate belong to an hausa man ************* (name withheld).  The apartments according to the sales personnel are upto 300 piece. Quite a lot of money though..**wink**

Thanksgiving Service Photos Of Former President Jonathan & Wife In Yenagoa

Thanksgiving service for former president Jonathan and his wife in yenagoa. Such is life. 
Change is only constant thing in life. 

"Make judicious use of your lifetime opportunity to make a positive difference that will leave undeletable remarks and memories in the life of the people in the society or group or clan or village or town or city or country" Words Of Amyzanys
See more photos from the thanksgiving after the cut...

"A Mother With All Boys Children Will Have To Behave Like A Boy Herself" VP Osinbajo`s Mother

Mrs. Olubisi Osinbajo, 80, shares her challenges as a mother and how she successfully trained four boys, including the Vice President. When she was asked what was her experience like bringing up four boys? See her response
"It was very tough raising four boys. That is why I am called ‘Mumisco.’ A mother with all boys will have to behave like a boy herself if she intends to train them properly. When they started growing up, I made it compulsory for them to say their prayers every morning. Whether they liked it or not, it was an activity that must be done. They would grumble but I did not budge. It was not easy training them. But we knew that someday, everything would be okay. And it turned out that way because all of them are doing well in their chosen careers. Two of them were once Attorneys-General and Commissioners for Justice in Ogun and Lagos states."
Continue reading with Punch

Photos: Osinbajo's Thanksgiving Service With Amaechi, Others In Attendance

Newly sworn in Vice President of Nigeria Prof. Yemi Osinbajo held a thanksgiving service at the National Church in Abuja after the inauguration ceremony.

The event was attended by ex-governor of Rivers state Rotimi Amaechi,a host of other ex-gocernors and other top dignitaries.Speaking at the event,Osinbajo said the election of president Muhammadu Buhari was part of God’s plan towards the healing of the nation.

See more photos after the cut...

CBN Officials, 16 Bankers On EFCC Net For N8bn Fraud

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has said five top officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria and 16 others are to be arraigned for alleged complicity in a currency fraud running to N8bn. According to Punch
The Head of Media and Publicity of the EFCC, Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, said in a statement on Sunday, said the suspects were to be arraigned for circulating defaced and mutilated notes at the Federal High Court, Ibadan, Oyo State, on June 2, 2015
Uwujaen said the16 other suspects to be arraigned alongside the CBN bigwigs were members of staff of various commercial banks in the country.
He said the suspects would be arraigned on five counts at the high court.
The EFCC spokesperson added that all the suspects now in custody connived to recycle the defaced and mutilated currencies they were asked to destroy by substituting the notes with newspaper cuttings in Naira note sizes.
Uwujaren stated that the operatives of the commission waded into the matter following a petition that the sum of N6.5bn was recycled by a syndicate involving top officials of the CBN in Ibadan, Oyo State.
He explained that the fraud was partly responsible for the failure of the monetary policy of the government as mop up exercises by the CBN failed to address the effect of inflation on the economy.
He said, “The Economic and Financial Crime Commission has concluded arrangement to arraign in court, five top executives of the Central Bank of Nigeria implicated in a mega scam involving the theft and recirculation of defaced and mutilated currencies.
“The suspects, drawn from various business units of the apex bank, are to be docked by the anti-graft agency before a Federal High Court sitting in Ibadan, Oyo State, from Tuesday June 2, 2015 to Thursday June 4, 2015. The remaining 16 suspects are drawn from various commercial banks who were found to have conspired with the CBN executives to swing the heist.
“All the suspects, who are currently in the custody of the EFCC, are now ruing the day they literally allowed greed and craze for materialism to becloud their sense of judgment and responsibility, when they elected to help themselves to tonnes of defaced Naira notes.
“Instead of carrying out the statutory instruction to destroy the currency, they substituted it with newspapers neatly cut to Naira sizes and proceeded to recycle the defaced and mutilated currency.”
He added, “The fraud is partly to blame for the failure of government monetary policy over the years as currency mop up exercises by the apex bank failed to check the inflationary pressure on the economy.
“The lid on the scam, which is widely suspected to have gone on unchecked for years, was blown on November 3, 2014, via a petition to the EFCC, alleging that over N6, 575, 549, 370.00 was cornered and discreetly recycled by light fingered top executives of the CBN at the Ibadan branch.”

Photos - Lola Omotayo Spotted In An Event

On the heels of her great looks and societal status, Lola Omotayo has from inception been a kind attraction wherever she goes.
But one thing that she seems to have going for her and that has kept endearing her to those who have crossed her path are her good manners and humility.
The fact that she got married to Peter Okoye, one of the set of twins in the popular musical group, P’Square, has not made lose her track.
The paragon of beauty and mother of two was spotted days ago at a public event. In her usual way, Lola kept her cool without any airs around her.
Looking beautiful and radiant in a red top, black pants and woven hair, those who recognised her among several other celebrities present accosted her for photographs, to which she gladly consented. See more photos after cut...

Enjoy Reading This Story Shared By AZ's Reader

I saw this on a friends facebook timeline and I decided to share it with you guys.
An armed robber visits a guy and his fiancee which are planning to get married in few months time, after robbing them, he hands his gun over to the guy and told him to shoot his fiancee or else he will kill him but the guy refuses on account of his love for his future wife.

The robber smiled, collected the gun from him, and gave the gun to the lady and told her to shoot the guy if she does not want him to kill her, Alas! She fearfully pulled the trigger but there was no bullet in the gun.

The robber smiled, took his gun back from her and told the guy to decide if what exists between him and his fiancee  is really ‘LOVE’, then he left.

The man was disappointed at his fiancee and immediately, the girl began to plead.
If you were in the guy’s shoe, Would you forgive.

Kingsley Kuku Talk On How To Have Peace In Niger Delta

Former Special Adviser on Niger Delta Affairs, Mr. Kingsley Kuku has advised the new government on how to ensure that the relative peace in the Niger Delta is sustained.
Speaking at a valedictory speech in Abuja, Kuku said peace will continue to reign in the region if there was a deliberate and genuine effort by the Federal Government to implement major components of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP).
According to him, PAP under his watch, has been able to implement the crucial phase of disarming, demolishing and reintegrating (DDR) the ex-militants who signed up to the Amnesty Programme in 2009. While this has been a success, he noted that the major task of developing the Niger Delta, which was the key demand of the agitators, was yet to be given serious attention by government.
He therefore advised that genuine attention be given to the area, which is blessed with the natural resource accounting for 75 percent of government revenue.

Davido To Launch His New Album

It’s barely a week to the release of Davido‘s sophomore album. With the album set to drop on Monday, June 8, 2015, the award-winning singer has just announced via Twitter that an album launch concert will hold in London on September 25, 2015.

 Davido is currently in United States and he’s expected to return to Nigeria in a few days ahead of the album release and his graduation.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Photo Of The Day

Barcelona Won Athletic Bilbao 3-1 To Win Their 27th Copa Del Rey

A Lionel Messi-inspired Barcelona sealed a league and Cup double as they swept aside Athletic Bilbao 3-1 to win the Copa del Rey for a 27th time on Saturday.
Messi opened the scoring in spectacular fashion by dribbling past four Athletic players and lashing home a low finish before Neymar added a second before half-time.
The Argentine grabbed his second of the game to kill the tie as a contest 17 minutes from time before Inaki Williams grabbed a consolation for the Basques.

Despite Athletic fans dominating two-thirds of the 99,000 capacity Camp Nou, there was nothing their players could do to stop a rampant Barca that is now just one game away from just the second treble in the club’s history.
Luis Enrique’s men face Italian champions Juventus in the Champions League final in Berlin on June 6.
The game began in controversy after the Spanish national anthem was drowned by the fans of two clubs with strong separatist identities.

Appeal To FIFA By Prince William

The Duke of Cambridge has urged world football governing body FIFA to “show that it can represent the interests of fair play and put the sport first”.

Prince William, the president of the FA, made his comments during a speech before the cup final at Wembley.

He urged sponsors and other backers to use their influence with FIFA to support reform.
It comes after FIFA’s President Sepp Blatter was re-elected, following the arrests of seven people linked to FIFA.

The seven, arrested in Zurich earlier this week, are among 14 indicted on charges of bribery, racketeering and money-laundering, involving tens of millions of dollars since 1991.
Meanwhile, Swiss authorities have launched a separate criminal investigation into the awarding of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tournaments to Russia and Qatar.

In his speech the prince compared the crisis engulfing FIFA to the Salt Lake City corruption scandal which prompted the International Olympic Committee to reform.

He said: “There seems to be a huge disconnect between the sense of fair play that guides those playing and supporting the game, and the allegations of corruption that have long lingered around the management of the sport internationally.

“The events in Zurich this week represent FIFA’s Salt Lake City moment, when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) went through a similar period of serious allegations.
“FIFA, like the IOC, must now show that it can represent the interests of fair play and put the sport first.

“Those backing FIFA, such as sponsors and the regional confederations, must do their bit to press these reforms – we are doing football and its fans no favours if we do not.

“I have no doubt that when FIFA reforms, its mission to spread the benefits of the game to more people, especially those in developing countries, can only be enhanced.”

He also used his speech before match – which saw Arsenal beat Aston Villa 4-0 – to back a decision by former Manchester United chief executive and newly-elected FIFA Vice-President David Gill to quit the position almost immediately in protest at Blatter’s re-election.
Blatter is not named in the indictment, and denies having anything to do with an alleged $10m (£6.5m) bribe, reports the BBC.

Prince William said: “I know I join with all of you in commending David Gill for his decision to stand down from the ExCo [executive committee], and to lead by example by doing so.”
And he said that the Football Association, the sport’s governing body in England, had been “taking a critical look at itself under Greg Dyke’s leadership” and could become the “gold standard of sporting governance”.

The duke added: “We must ensure that the quality and the richness of the game at the highest levels is shared more generously at the grassroots; we must ensure that home-grown talent is better nurtured; and we must continue to kick out racism for good from our game.

“I feel we need to ensure that we become the gold standard of sporting governance. A modern, transparent and inclusive organisation – representative of the broad and diverse society who play and love our game.

“Over the next few years, if we want credibly to influence the debate on reform in FIFA, we must continue to strive for excellence in our own organisation.

“It’s not easy to do so, but it is worth it – and, to that end, I commend the process you are on, and I’ll be watching it closely.”

President Buhari And Vice President Osibanjo Declare Assets

 President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo have declared their assets, as required by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The Code of Conduct Bureau on Friday acknowledged the submission of President Buhari’s and Vice President Osinbajo’s assets declaration forms submitted separately on May 28.

The Nigerian Constitution states in Chapter VI Section 140, that a person elected to the office of President shall not begin to perform the functions of that office until he has declared his assets and liabilities as prescribed in the Constitution.

Sam Cooke Shows Off Her Stunning Bikini Body As She Hits The Beach With Man Utd Chris Smalling

Following the end of Manchester United's season last week, WAG Sam Cooke has been able to kick start her summer holiday with her football star beau Chris Smalling early.

The gorgeous WAG and the Premiere League footballer were spotted enjoying the beautiful sights and sounds of Barbados as they hit the beach together on Friday afternoon.
Parading an undeniably slender and nicely sun-kissed physique, the 29-year-old glamour model managed to remain the centre of attention by sporting a sexy halter-neck bikini top with skimpy pants.

See more photos after the cut....

Comedy Video - Igos Hahoo Love Ft Helen Paul, DJ Xclusive And Uvbi

Comedian, Igos, is set for another episode of his “Igos Live Comedy Concert” and the ace comedian just dropped this hilarious skit to give us a hint of whaaat the concert is going to be like.
Watch Igos Yahoo Love ft Helen Paul, Dj Xclusive & Uvbi:

"My Lagos" By Shuga

Feel this contemporary highlife groove as Shuga takes you round Lagos in 3 minutes. The true spirit of Lagos! Eko Onibaje o.  Produced by Wole oni

Enjoy, Listen & Download

Ganduje Sacks All Political Appointees And Dissolve Cabinet

The newly sworn in governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje, on Saturday dissolved the state executive council.
Ganduje, who made the announcement through the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Rabiu Bichi, also relieved all political office holders of their appointments.
The dissolution affected all Commissioners, Special Advisers, Senior Special Assistants and Special Assistants.

    The governor commended the officers for their various contributions to the development of the state.

    The out-going commissioners were directed to hand over the affairs of their ministries to their respective permanent secretaries.