Monday 20 April 2015

Why Masturbation Is Bad And How To Effectively Stop It

I have been masturbating since when i was 15 now I am 28 all effort to stop it has failed- Segun Johnson.

Segun is not alone in this act, masturbation can be addictive as smoking, Maxaija will be sharing the the following information that can assist you to gain victory over masturbation faster than you expect it.


Remember, you’re human. Humans make mistakes, and they have sexual urges. Neither of these things makes you an inherently bad person. (if they did, though, you’d be in good company with over 90% of people on the plane.) Forgive yourself, and keep in mind that you are more than the sum of your slip-ups.

Resist the urge to sink into a pit of despair by remembering that time spent feeling sorry for yourself is time wasted, and minutes you could have put towards conquering your addiction.


If it’s too easy for you to indulge, get rid of whatever is helping to make it possible. Same common enablers include:

Access to pornographic material; if you have a stash and you’re serious about quitting masturbation, to you’ll have to get rid of all of it. Burn or shred papers, wipe your hard drive, and set up parental controls on your internet browser that block explicit content.

Sex toys: if your own objects that exist for the sole purpose of masturbating; they’ll have to go too. Throw them into the garbage can, you can find in your house (the kitchen’s a good bet), and add something on top that will make items irretrievable- like last month’s leftovers.

Certain times of the day: if you have problems before going to bed or in the shower, isolate these times and find a way to make masturbation less appealing. For example, if it’s a problem late at night, drop to the floor and do pushups until you’re too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep. If you find shower time tempting, start using ice cold water only- you won’t want to be in there for long.


instead of staring at the wall, thinking about how you’re not masturbating during the time that you’d otherwise spend indulging, fill your life with engaging new activities. The novelty and excitement of doing something different can help replace the euphoric rush of masturbating, and you’ll have a go-to distraction next time you’re tempted.

source: maxnaija

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