Wednesday 31 December 2014

Anita Hogan Actress Set To Return To Nollywood With TV Soap 'Koko’s Diary'

Nollywood actress, Anita Hogan is set to return to Nollywood. The actress who is married to her Dutch husband, revealed this in an interview with Encomium Weekly .
In the recent Interview, Anita speaks on her upcoming TV soap 'Koko’s Diary', her marriage and the new Nollywood.
According to Anita,  the series 'Koko’s Diary'  is about the diary of a house help . Read excerpts;
When do we see you back on the screen now that you are in Nigeria?
I just finished shooting my soap, it is still in the process of being polished up and presented to television stations for airing. So, very soon, I will be back. I also participated in it.

I also have other talents in entertainment aside acting. There is a book I have been working on that is on the edge of being put out there so that people can have a feel of my personality. Very soon people who love me will start seeing me.
The industry you left five years ago is no more the same, how will you compare the industry you left then to what applies now?
I wouldn’t lie, the industry has seriously been upgraded. You can now see new faces, the industry is becoming an actual business, people are now taking acting serious. Before you could be an actress and still engage in other part time jobs. People who act now, do it as their major source of living.
Tell us about your soap, Koko’s Diary.
It’s about going through the diary of a house help. I looked at the society through the eyes of a house help. The help knows a lot of things, they are always available at home, they know all the children’s character, they know what oga is up to and so on. We have shot, we have done all the necessary things, it is now time to put it on air.
Source : Encomium Weekly

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